Ever wondered what the real India is like?
This travelogue contains. . .
Traveling off the beaten path, the author discovered India to be a vast and varied landscape of every reality imaginable and some that were unimaginable. This account is not only a trip behind the scenes; it’s an explanation of what is going on in this world of unique religious thought and cultural reality. Moving slowly through time on train, bus and ox cart, Nancy visited mountain villages, rural ashrams and hill stations—an India that tourists rarely see.—Hints and realities of traveling n India.
—Memoirs of a spiritual quest.
—Records of conversations with authentic sages.
—Insights into its spirtual philosophy and traditions.
—Information about India's history and political milieu

Exploring Timeless India: Karnataka
In this third volume of Exploring Timeless India, the author's explorations take the reader to one of India’s greenest states, Karnataka. From the mountains to the beaches, it’s a paradise for nature lovers, as well as a treasure trove for archeologists, historians, and pilgrims of every religion. She spends time in ashrams and her accounts give a picture of what in fact is, is not what she expected.
The author gives insights into history, politics and lore of the various places she visits through research and conversations with sages and the many people who she meets along the way. She is always questioning to uncover new stories of India’s multifaceted reality. You will come to understand why the country that was visited by the Romans, Marco Polo and the target for Columbus became "that poor country."
There’s something new in this volume, a travel guide with the “not to miss” highlights of the pilgrimage destinations, National Parks, and other special places.
She must think you will be ready to pack for this adventure.

Exploring Timeless India: Tamil Nadu
The first volume of Exploring Timeless India covers the southern most state of Tamil Nadu—in general, the most traditional state. It is a wonderful reality of beaches, mountain retreats, awesome temples, and it has an advantage that there are many English speakers here--even off the beaten path.
Nancy's journey through Tamil Nadu included Pondicherry, the hometown of the sage Aurobindo, Sri Ramana Maharshi's ashram, the hermitage of an unknown sadhu living by a sacred river and ashram of Bede Griffiths. She visited the famous temples at Chidambaram, Arunachala, Rameshwaram and Madurai. She enjoyed the wonderful forested mountains in the Nilgiris, as well as nature's waterways at the beaches of Pondicherry, Rameshwaram, Madras, and the Kauveri River.
Nancy's stories are based on personal encounters giving facts and observations not available in previously published sources. Along the way, the author gives insight into philosophical thought and superstitious lore behind the various adventures, as the Indian culture is so flexible and multifaceted.

Exploring Timeless India--Andhra Pradesh
These e-books are available on Amazon.com. You can upload to computers, iPads, iPhones and Kindle--and if you have a Kindle you can read it free from the Kindle library.
Exploring Timeless India: Tamil Nadu
Exploring Timeless India: Andhra Pradesh
Exploring Timeless India: Karnataka